RYT 200 satya registered yoga school

about satya ytt

Developed in 2017, The Yoga Loft’s 200 hour Teacher Training has been created for positive growth and transformation in mind + body. Upon completion, you will have newly gained knowledge and understanding of the history, philosophy, anatomy, language, subtle energy bodies (ie. chakras), as well as the ethical and business aspects of yoga. Through this experience you will be inspired  to reconnect to your  own innate creativity, passion and self expression from a place of authenticity.  This program is delivered in 10 weekend modules, with time in between modules to provide ample time to advance your knowledge and personal practice at a healthy, balanced and steady pace.  Each weekend of training, will allow you to break away from your regular routine, set aside your ego and  old weight-bearing habits, that no longer serve you. Growth will inevitably occur benefiting the relationship you have with yourself, and others.


Tuition includes: The Yoga Loft’s SATYA 200-Hour training manuals +20 classes.

Our interest to grow is not learned, it’s inherent, it’s part of the soul. When we quiet the mind, we start to uncover that part of us that inherently wants to expand; that is curious, inspired and motivated. It can step outside any heartache or confusion we’ve experienced in the past. And then spontaneously, we start to come alive.

– Rod Stryker

Read our past Graduates TESTIMONIALS

For more inquiries about our Satya Teacher Training, please email us: [email protected]
(please check your junk folder if you do not hear from us within 48 hours)

APPLY NOW | 200 hr YTT Application



Step 1: Prerequisites

  • Approval from studio owner when applying to the training
  • A 100% commitment to personal growth and willingness to learn
  • A consistent home/studio asana + meditation practice (if you don’t have one, start now)
  • A good level of physical health and stable mental health
  • A full understanding that this is an intensive program; attendance is mandatory*

*If something unexpected should happen; you miss a day or weekend (less than or equivalent to 10% of the full training), make up hours may be offered, at the studio owner’s discretion; however additional private lesson fees will apply

Step 2: Complete & Submit YTT Application

  • Complete the Teacher Training Application form and submit upon completion.  Please give as much information that you feel comfortable providing, so we can get to know more about you and your practice.

Step 3:  Pay Application Fee

  • Pay the application fee of $50 +HST via E Transfer to: [email protected]
  • This a non-refundable teacher training application process fee

Step 4:  Acceptance Notification

Applicants who have been accepted into the training will be notified within 7 days of application. Once accepted, you must confirm your spot, with your deposit (determined by your chosen payment option), within 14 days.  This is a non-refundable deposit that is used towards your tuition.


Enrollment for our 2024/25 class is now open!  APPLY NOW

2024 | 2025 training dates

(beginning October 2024)


The Philosophy of YogaOctober 26th – 27th, 2024

  • An introduction to yoga
  • The history of yoga
  • Various styles of yoga
  • Patanjali &  the Yoga Sutras – The 8 Limbs of Yoga
  • An introduction to The Bhagavad Gita
  • An overview of contemporary texts that apply to yoga


The Art of Asana I – November 9th – 10th, 2024

  • The asanas (postures) incl. benefits and contraindications
  • Communicating instructions, modifications and safe alignment
  • How to safely and effectively sequence Hatha yoga


The Art of Asana II –  November 23rd – 24th, 2024

  • Surya Namaskar A + B
  • Communicating instructions, modifications and safe alignment
  • Ujjayi Breath; its importance and how to incorporate breath with movement
  • How to safely and effectively sequence Vinyasa yoga


Anatomy + Physiology – January 11th – 12th, 2025

  • Human physical anatomy and physiology (bodily systems, organs, etc.)
  • Benefits, contraindications, and healthy movement patterns in yoga
  • Body reading from the ground up to increase safety and effective communication
  • Introduction to common diseases, injuries


Pranayama + the Subtle Energy Bodies  February 1st – 2nd, 2025

  • Yoga and the nervous system
  • Exploration of the chakras and subtle energy systems
  • Prana (life force energy) and Nadis (prana channels) Koshas (layers), bandhas (energy locks), mudras (hand positions) and their applications to yoga
  • Study of breathing practices (Pranayama); and integration in teachings and personal practice


Teaching Methodology  – February 22nd – 23rd, 2025

  • Find your satya and authentic teaching voice
  • Addressing the needs of individuals and special populations
  • Principles of verbal and nonverbal communication, observation, assisting and demonstrations
  • How to create a safe and sacred space
  • The establishment of boundaries and ethics, including student/teacher relationships
  • The business of teaching yoga, incl. marketing, legal considerations, ethics and social media


The Art of Assisting + Use of Props – March 29th – 30th, 2025

  • Learn when and how to assist in a safe and effective way
  • The importance of props and when and how to utilize props for a deeper practice
  • Teaching practicum


Meditation & Mindfulness – April 26th – 27th, 2025

  • An overview of mindfulness, conscious decision making and meditation and its many benefits
  • Meditation and meditation techniques to help focus and calm your mind
  • Living your yoga off the mat
  • Teaching practicum


The Art of Asana III – May 3rd – 4th, 2025

  • Study of advanced poses, including arm balances, binds and inversions
  • Learn how to incorporate advanced poses into your classes in a safe and effective way
  • Teaching practicum 


3 DAY YOGA RETREAT* Sanskrit, Mantras, Chanting + Kirtan – May 31st – June 1st, 2025

*This is a mandatory weekend

  • Exploring mantras
  • Learn simple Sanskrit through lecture, practice, chanting and kirtan
  • Teaching practicum
  • Graduation ceremony

Example Weekend Schedule (10 Weekend Modules)


Saturdays/Sundays @ 8:30 – 5 pm
(sometimes 10 – 5)

8:30 – 9:30 am      Yoga Practice

9:45 am – 12 pm    Teacher Training

12 – 1 pm                 Lunch

1 – 4 pm                  Teacher Training | Small Group Work or Demonstrations

4 – 5 pm                  Discussion | Quiz | Homework | Yoga Practice (if/when time allows)



Option 1: Early bird rate: $3300 +HST 

  • Deposit of $1000+ HST upon enrollment | $2300+ HST due: October 15th, 2024

Option 2: $3500+ HST 

  • Deposit of $700+ HST upon enrollment + 2 equal payments of $1400+ HST
    due: Oct 15th/24 + Feb 15th/25

Option 3: $3600+ HST

  • Deposit of $600+ HST upon enrollment + 6 equal payments of $500+ HST
    due: Oct 15th/24 + Nov 15th/24 + Feb 15th/25 + Mar 15th/25 + Apr 15th/25 + May 15th/25


  • Tuition includes: 200 hrs of contact instruction, Satya School of Yoga 200-Hour training manuals + 20 in-studio yoga classes
  • Additional fees include:
  • retreat fee of $250 +HST (valued at $699 +HST) due Feb 1st 2025 to cover food & accommodations (full retreat itinerary included in tuition)
  • books from required reading list
  • YTT deposits and tuition are non-refundable